Want the real scoop on what it takes to become a successful agent in Canada? Want to know what to expect from the LLQP? What the course covers? What the career possibilities are?

Order How to Become a Life insurance Agent! Over 90 pages and just $15, you will discover:

  • which training company is best for you;
  • the contents of the study modules;
  • what to expect as a licensed agent;
  • the details of how to register to write the exam;
  • much, much, more.

Includes sample exam questions and detailed instructions about the exam itself. Did you know the exam is open book? Don’t be fooled by this—we’ll tell you why.

Provided as a downloadable pdf file, you can have this complete story of the LLQP, with life insurance career details, on your desk in minutes. Over 90 pages of must-know information; $15 can save you hundreds if you determine this is not your best career choice; $15 can save you countless hours of searching for the information in this book. Make this book an investment in your future.

Buy Yours Now – $15

how to become cover


  • Introduction
  • The Life Insurance Business in Canada
  • Your Licensing Options
  • The Financial Services Landscape
  • What Products Will You Sell?
  • The Job Description
  • Compensation
  • Personal Requirements for Success
  • Educational Requirements
  • The LLQP Modules and Sample Questions
  • The LLQP Exam
  • Writing the Exam in BC
  • Writing the Exam in AB
  • Writing the Exam in SK
  • Writing the Exam in MB
  • Writing the Exam in ON/NB
  • Writing the Exam in NS
  • Writing the Exam in PEI
  • Writing the Exam in NF
  • Quebec Only
  • “I PASSED!”
  • Phase 2: Life After LLQP