
25 Credits: The FP-Canada Approved Package for CFP Certificants: Option A

CFP® Certificants: 25 credits (23 Financial Planning, 2 Professional Responsibility)
Provincial Life Credits: 25 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 14 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
Institute Members: 26 credits (including 2 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 17 credits (3 Compliance, 14 Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 24 credits (10 Business Conduct Non-ethics, 14 Professional Development)
General Credits: 14 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)

New approved courses for 2024 designed for your FP-Canada CFP requirements without any course duplication from 2022 or 2023. Does Option A or Option B suit you best?

Here’s one of your two best CE credit solutions for 2024:

Barriers to Insurance: Reasons for Underinsurance
Provincial Life Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 5 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 5 credits
IIROC Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 5 credits (Professional Development)

Procrastination, cognitive biases, and agent behaviour can form roadblocks to acquiring and maintaining insurance coverage. Learn from these and many other reasons individuals fail to acquire insurance policies — and the information needed by which their position can be reversed. This course delivers all that and:

  • Develops an approach that recognizes and respects the rationale of the prospect/client and their perceived barriers;
  • Achieves better plans based on characteristics of the prospect/client;
  • Facilitates the progression of uninsured to insured or underinsured to insured;
  • Benefits the agent with checklists to test behaviour against standards and expectations.
Conflicts of Interest
Provincial Life Credits: 3 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 3 credits (1 Financial Planning, 2 Professional Responsibility)
Institute Members: 3 credits (2 Ethics)
IIROC Credits: 3 credits (Compliance)
MFDA Credits: 3 credits (Business Conduct – Non-Ethics)

Serving the client’s best interest is a requirement for all those with client responsibilities. This course provides the understanding that can lead to generating best interest interactions, plans and proposals.

  • Integrate client best-interest principles into practice and solidify your client relationships.
  • Make clients a priority and confirm your professional responsibility.
  • Enhance personal integrity.
Good Business: Lessons for Success
Provincial Life Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 7 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 7 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 7 credits
MFDA Credits: 7 credits (Business Conduct Non-ethics)
General Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)

This course delivers guidance, insights, and solutions that you can easily implement to benefit you and your clients. Ten easy-to-manage lessons provides you with direction on achieving professionalism in your practice while you serve clients’ needs.

Ideas and theories are buttressed by lots of hands-on practical client information, including how-tos, why-tos, and when-tos.
It is a course you won’t want to miss.

  • Link sales with suitability for best client outcomes;
  • Learn the importance of setting financial goals across all ages;
  • Achieve clarity in virtual and in-person meetings and your writing;
  • Measure your behaviour against common ethical standards;
  • Implement best practices that pay off.
Insurance Needs of Newcomers to Canada
Provincial Life Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 7 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 7 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 7 credits
IIROC Credits: 7 credits (Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 7 credits (Professional Development)
General Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)

Newcomers to Canada come from many nations and arrive with far-ranging sets of needs. Insurance is a product that protects against risks faced in their new homeland. Discover the many concepts underlying the insurance offer and how to prescribe the exact solution for newcomer requirements.

  • Introduce the strengths of insurance products needed by newcomers;
  • Help the newcomer-client recognize the benefits of insurance for risk management;
  • Develop expertise in the newcomer market by addressing the particular circumstances of newcomers.

Make the right offer…make the offer right: on conclusion of Insurance Needs of Newcomers to Canada, you will have new insight into the situation of newcomers and what you can prescribe to create a successful insurance transaction.

Practical Client Risk Analysis
Provincial Life Credits: 3 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 3 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 4 credits
IIROC Credits: 2 credits (Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 2 credits (Professional Development)

Risk is synonymous with uncertainty. The risk a person is willing to take is a result of his or her psychology, life experiences, social conventions, intelligence, and age amongst other factors. Where does that put you when you must gather information about the risk characteristics of a person and apply them to a product with its own risk profile? It puts you in a position in which information, analysis, and thought is required to arrive at appropriate answers.

If you have client-facing responsibilities for investments or insurance, you will come away from this course with a new appreciation for the role of risk and its repercussions.

  • The role of disclosure to risk;
  • The three measurements in a risk profile: tolerance, capacity, and need;
  • The dilemma of applying risk assessment to decision-making.



Coping With The Difficult Client

Provincial Life Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 5 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificant: 5 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 5 credits (inc. 1 Ethics)
MFDA Credits: 5 credits (Business Conduct – Non-Ethics)

There are many, many behavioural management ideas in this informative and useful course. You’ll find it valuable for both coping with those who are difficult and learning how to prevent unpleasant interactions from ever developing.

Your level of stress can be significantly lessened with the perspective this course delivers. It’s a winner in your stable of people management skills.

  • Prepare for unreasonable, demanding and unpredictable client behaviour;
  • Learn anger management skills;
  • Find out how to deliver bad news, and the sad consequences of disappointment;
  • Prevent unpleasant interactions and reduce your stress level.



Cyber Security: Protecting Client Privacy in Your Practice

Provincial Life Credits: 3 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 3 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 3 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 3 credits (inc. 1 Ethics)
MFDA Credits: 3 credits (Professional Development)
General Credits: 3 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)

Cyber incidents are increasing as a result of hacker attacks, technical failures, sloppy practices, and employee error. The question facing individuals like you and organizations today is not if you will suffer a cyberattack but when.

The threats from a cyberattack are largely underestimated by businesses because the threats are not always well understood. This course will make clear the threats you face and exactly what to do to reduce or eliminate those threats.

  • Learn how cyber security breaches are an increasing threat to the privacy of your client’s information;
  • Improve your understanding of hacker attacks, technical failures, sloppy practices and employee errors;
  • Discover how to reduce or eliminate cybersecurity threats in order to protect client privacy.



Disability: Creating a Plan for Future Needs

Provincial Life Credits: 7 credits (BC, SK, MB, ON) (1 credit AB)
Provincial A&S Credits: 7 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 7 credits (Financial Planning)

Maybe you know someone who has been in a car accident, hurt as a pedestrian, or injured playing sports, while ATVing or snowmobiling. Accidents happen all the time. They can disable victims and prove the point that disability is not strictly a condition of the elderly. Can you help the victims create an income during their convalescence? Can you help find a way to pay the bills?

Knowing how to help—the programs available and their benefits—is one way to help and, coincidentally, distinguish yourself in an advisory capacity. If you are ready to step up, you have almost a quarter of the population in your market-area waiting for your insight.

Includes a Don’t Trip Up checklist for your senior clients and, for every single client, the Checklist for Pedestrian Safety.

BONUS! Includes Succession Planning for Families with Disabled Dependents by John Poyser, a partner with Tradition Law LLP Estates and Trusts and the principal of the Wealth and Estate Law Group in Calgary.

  • Disability is not just a condition of the elderly. Consider how every single day Canadians are disabled in common everyday activities: crossing the street, snowmobiling, bicycling, and the simple activities of daily living;
  • Learn about the financial programs and benefits available to Canadians of all ages living with disabilities;
  • Gain the knowledge you need to help clients plan with for their future financial needs and/or those of any disabled dependents.



Focus on Retirement Risks

Provincial Life Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 5.5 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 7 credits (Financial Planning)

Retirees face a unique set of risks due to age and circumstances. Their income can be affected by their lifespan, inflation, divorce, declining cognitive ability, overspending, the sequence of returns, and all those unexpected costs that arise and must be paid.

We explore these risks — giving you background and analysis — and go on to provide useful risk management ideas and strategies.

You will find hard facts on the safe withdrawal rate for savings. You’ll learn shock therapy for the over-spender. And, you may learn some surprising information about the cost of healthcare for Canadians.

This course delivers a wealth of meaningful and practical ideas and solutions for safeguarding retirement income.

  • Prepare to tackle seven significant threats to retirees and their income;
  • Explore these risks and learn useful risk management ideas and strategies;
  • Benefit from a wealth of meaningful and actionable ideas.



SETTING THE MORAL COMPASS: Professional Responsibility for Financial Advisors

Provincial Life Credits: 5 credits (BC, AB, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 5 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 5 credits (Financial Planning)
ICS Life Credits: 5 credits (including 2 Ethics)

Here is your game plan to achieve the highest standards of professional responsibility.

The content of this course is organized around your requirements for knowledge; knowledge of the standards of conduct that apply to your job; knowledge of your client; knowledge of how to attain suitability; knowledge of the necessity of disclosure; and, knowledge of conflict of interest.

Reading this course for continuing education credits is one step. Making ongoing reference to the content when confronted with difficult decisions is going to show you a way forward.

  • Set your moral compass in the direction of professional responsibility through knowing your client, ensuring suitability, fulfilling disclosure, and putting client interests first;
  • Meet regulator expectations as expressed in client-focussed reforms;
  • Explore short case studies that illustrate concepts and help understanding.



Taking Care of Business: Insurance Needs of Business Owners

Provincial Life Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
Provincial A&S Credits: 7 credits (AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 7 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 7 credits
IIROC Credits: 7 credits (Professional Development)
MFDA Credits: 7 credits (Professional Development)

Look around: there are small business owners everywhere. Your coffee shop, hair dresser, restaurants, car dealers, computer shops, florist, butcher, baker, and candlestick maker. These owners are invested in their business. If they only knew how insurance protects their investment.

You can illustrate the protection offered by insurance with answers to questions that may be as fundamental as the necessity of insurance — and as complex as the models of shareowner buy-outs. This course shows how.

  • Learn how to protect the personal and corporate interests of business owners with appropriate insurance coverage;
  • Get top tips for an exit strategy;
  • Build your expertise and confidence in order to excel in the business insurance market.



Women – Their Financial and Insurance Needs

Provincial Life Credits: 7 credits (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON)
CFP® Certificants: 7 credits (Financial Planning)
Institute Members: 7 credits
MFDA Credits 7 credits (Professional Development)

Single women — whether with dependents, separated or divorced, or widowed — have many special characteristics that relate to their financial planning and insurance needs. This course is going to explain what those characteristics are and how you need to work within their limitations.

This course offers insight to both male and female advisors about the financial challenges facing single women. You will develop a better understanding of, and compassion for, women and their specific financial needs.

  • Recognize the special characteristics of women that relate to their financial planning and insurance needs;
  • Gain insight into challenges women face, such as lower incomes and longer lifespans;
  • Help women create a suitable and stable financial life.

